File WorkspaceEvent.h

namespace Ogre

File: MovableText.h

Description: This creates a billboarding object that display a text. Note: This object must have a dedicated scene node since it will rotate it to face the camera (OGRE 2.1)


2003 by cTh see 2006 by barraq see 2012 to work with newer versions of OGRE by MindCalamity 2015 to work on OGRE 2.1 (but not on older versions anymore) by Jayray

namespace Gsage
class WorkspaceEvent : public Event
#include <WorkspaceEvent.h>

Fired when a new Ogre::CompositorWorkspace is created

Public Functions

WorkspaceEvent(Event::ConstType type, Ogre::CompositorWorkspace *workspace)
virtual ~WorkspaceEvent()

Public Members

Ogre::CompositorWorkspace *mWorkspace

Public Static Attributes

const Event::Type CREATE

Create event