Plugin System

Gsage Engine supports plugins, which can be installed at the runtime. Each plugin can be wrapped into dynamically linked library or shared library (.so/.dynlib/.dll)

Plugin loader is borrowed from the Ogre project DynLib.h.

All plugins installed into the system should have unique id.

  • Gsage::GsageFacade::loadPlugin() can be used to install plugin from a shared library.

  • Gsage::GsageFacade::installPlugin() can be called with instantiated plugin object.

  • Gsage::GsageFacade::uninstallPlugin() removes installed plugin.

  • Gsage::GsageFacade::unloadPlugin() unloads shared library.

Writing a Plugin

Each plugin should implement IPlugin interface.

Abstract Methods

  • Gsage::IPlugin::getName() - this method should return unique string id of the plugin.

  • Gsage::IPlugin::installImpl() - should contain plugin initialization logic.

  • Gsage::IPlugin::uninstallImpl() - should contain plugin destruction logic.

installImpl can register UI/Window manager factories, add new SystemFactories or add a system to the Engine. uninstallImpl should properly uninstall plugin from the facade: remove the system, unregister lua bindings or unregister UI/Window manager.


Though it is possible to define bindings in the installImpl method, there is another method for this: Gsage::IPlugin::setupLuaBindings(). Bindings may work properly if defined in installImpl, but if Lua state will be recreated by the LuaInterface, bindings will be lost.

While implementing a plugin, you should also add couple extern "C" methods, which will be called from the GsageFacade after plugin dynamic library was loaded:

  • dllStartPlugin.

  • dllStopPlugin.


// from OgrePlugin.h


#define PluginExport __declspec (dllexport)
#define PluginExport __declspec (dllimport)
#define PluginExport

// from OgrePlugin.cpp

bool OgrePlugin::installImpl()
  return true;

void OgrePlugin::uninstallImpl()

OgrePlugin* ogrePlugin = NULL;

extern "C" bool PluginExport dllStartPlugin(GsageFacade* facade)
  if(ogrePlugin != NULL)
    return false;
  ogrePlugin = new OgrePlugin();
  return facade->installPlugin(ogrePlugin);

extern "C" bool PluginExport dllStopPlugin(GsageFacade* facade)
  if(ogrePlugin == NULL)
    return true;

  bool res = facade->uninstallPlugin(ogrePlugin);
    return false;
  delete ogrePlugin;
  ogrePlugin = NULL;
  return true;


Set Up Lua Bindings

  • Gsage::IPlugin::setupLuaBindings() - should contain all Lua bindings.

This method will be called again if lua_State was recreated.



void OgrePlugin::setupLuaBindings() {
  if (mLuaInterface && mLuaInterface->getState())
    sol::state_view lua = *mLuaInterface->getSolState();

    // Ogre Wrappers

        "type", sol::property(&OgreObject::getType)


        sol::constructors<sol::types<const Ogre::Real&, const Ogre::Real&, const Ogre::Real&, const Ogre::Real&>, sol::types<const Ogre::Radian&, const Ogre::Vector3&>>(),
        "w", &Ogre::Quaternion::w,
        "x", &Ogre::Quaternion::x,
        "y", &Ogre::Quaternion::y,
        "z", &Ogre::Quaternion::z,
        sol::meta_function::multiplication, (Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Quaternion::*)(const Ogre::Quaternion&)const)  &Ogre::Quaternion::operator*


        sol::base_classes, sol::bases<Event, SelectEvent>(),
        "intersection", sol::property(&OgreSelectEvent::getIntersection),
        "cast", cast<const Event&, const OgreSelectEvent&>

    lua["Engine"]["render"] = &Engine::getSystem<OgreRenderSystem>;
    lua["Engine"]["movement"] = &Engine::getSystem<RecastMovementSystem>;

    lua["Entity"]["render"] = &Entity::getComponent<RenderComponent>;
    lua["Entity"]["movement"] = &Entity::getComponent<MovementComponent>;


